Meiji Sangyo’s aims for the future of cars and safety.
Since its foundation in 1933, Meiji Sangyo has supplied high-quality, high-performance auto repair parts and machinery parts in Japan, and internationally. Opening message from the president , company outline and history from founding to the present day, with information on business branches and group companies etc.
- Message
from the PresidentMessage from the President
Message from our president, on our company motto and quality policy.
- Company Outline
Company Outline
Basic data on Meiji Sangyo, such as business areas, annual sales, number of employees, group companies and so on.
- History
History of the Meiji Sangyo over 90 years, since its founding in 1933.
- Main Suppliers & Customers
Main Suppliers & Dealers
List of major suppliers and our customers, from auto parts to machinery and equipment.
- Office
Japan sales branches, our logistics centers, overseas sales branches and affiliated companies.
- MEISAN Group
As the parent company of Meiji Sangyo, the Meisan Group is engaged in various businesses, such as real estate leasing, manufacturing and sales of brake parts, and processing of aluminum alloys.